Interim Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Dr. 朱莉·谢弗

办公室: 黑洞 335B   |    电话: 308-865-8209   |    电子邮件:

Dr. 朱莉·谢弗


Area of Interest:

  • Microbial ecology
  • Tick-borne pathogens


Professional Affiliations:


  • 谢弗J. J.  1999.  Characterization of a novel DNA repair phenotype in Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophage UNL-1. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 203 pp.


  • Moghe,年代.鲍姆加特,K., 谢弗,J.J., Carlson, K.A.  2021.  Female mentors positively contribute to undergraduate STEM research experiences.  《bet36365体育投注》 /杂志.玉米饼.0260646
  • Schissel, M., Best, R.利斯迈耶,S., Tan, Y-D.卡尔森,D.J., 谢弗,J.J.阿武图,N.古达,C., Carlson, K.A.  2021.  Effect of Nora virus infection on native gut bacterial communities of Drosophila melanogaster.  AIMS Microbiology 7(2):216-237.  doi: 10.3934 / microbiol.2021014
  • Luedtke B.E., 谢弗,J.J.蒙罗伊,E.威利科特,C.W., Bourret, T.J.  2019.  Molecular detection of spotted fever group Rickettsiae (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) in Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae) collected along the Platte River in south central Nebraska.  Journal of Medical Entomology期刊1093 / / tjz167
  • Fiore N.A.杜尼根,D.D., 谢弗,J.J.罗伯茨,R., Antony-Babu, S.普兰茨,B.A.尼克森,K.W.本森,A.K.韦伯,K.A.  2019.  Microbial community of saline, alkaline lakes in the Nebraska s和hills based on 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequence data.  Microbiology Resource Announcements  8:e00063-19.
  • 谢弗,J. J.彼得森,B. C.库帕尔,K. D.  2017.  评估 of seasonal changes in abiotic 和 zooplankton communities in highly 和 moderately alkaline s和hills lakes.  Great Plains 研究 27:109-116.
  • 雅克,B. J.波雷特,T. J., 谢弗,J. J.  2017.  Role of fly cleaning behavior on carriage of Escherichia coli 和 Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  Journal of Medical Entomology  tjx124,期刊1093 / / tjx.
  • 史密斯,米. J.谢弗,J. J.库帕尔,K. D., Hoback W. W.  2012.  Laboratory measures of filtration by freshwater mussels: An activity to introduce biology students to an increasingly threatened group of organisms.  Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching  38(2):10-15.
  • 雅克,B. J.南卡罗来纳州Akahane市.亚伯,M.米德尔顿,W., Hoback W. W. 和 谢弗,J. J.  2009.  Temperature 和 food availability differentially affect the production of antimicrobial compounds in oral secretions produced by two species of burying beetle.  Journal of Chemical Ecology 35(8):871-877.
  • 谢弗,J. J.华纳,K。. J. 霍巴克,W. W.  2007.  肮脏的苍蝇? Experiments to test flies as vectors of bacterial disease.  American Biology Teacher 在线 69(2), Paper #30.
  • Hoback W. W.主教,A. A.克罗默,J.斯卡尔齐蒂,J. 和 谢弗,J. J.  2004.  Differences among antimicrobial properties of carrion beetle secretions reflect phylogeny 和 ecology.  Journal of Chemical Ecology 30(4):719-729.
  • 谢弗,J. J.赫尔利,E. 霍巴克,W. W.  2003.  Microbes 和 mosquitoes: a laboratory exercise to investigate the non-target effects of Bt.  Bioscene 29(3):27-32.
  • 卡达夫,D. R., 谢弗,J. J.,洛特,S. E.狼,T. A.博尔顿,C. E.加里莫尔,W. H.马丁·E. L.尼克森,K. W. 科克约翰,T. A.  2000.  Influence of infected cell growth state on bacteriophage reactivation levels.  Applied 和 Environmental Microbiology 66(12):5206-5212.
  • 马丁,E. L.莱因哈特,R. L.鲍姆,L. L.贝克尔,M。. R., 谢弗,J. J. 科克约翰,T. A.  2000.  The effects of ultraviolet radiation on the moderate halophile Halomonas elongata 和 the extreme halophile Halobacterium salinarumCanadian Journal of Microbiology 46(2):180-187.
  • 谢弗,J. J.雅各布森,L. M.Schrader, J. O.李,K. W.马丁·E. L. 科克约翰,T. A.  1999.  Characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophage UNL-1, a bacterial virus with a novel UV-A-inducible DNA damage reactivation phenotype.  Applied 和 Environmental Microbiology 65(6):2606-2613.